I Miss You my KrypToNite..... ;)
muaaacchh..!! xoxo
SomeTimEs tHinGs haPpEns to U at tHe TimE thaT maY seem HorriBLe, painFuL, n UnFaiR..buT in ReFLecTion, You wiLL KnoW that wiThout oVeRcoMinG thoSe BaD tHingS..You would NeVeR reaLizE ur PoTentiaL, StRenGth, will PoWeR or HeaRt.. WELCOME TO MY AWESOME WORLD..jgn lupa kasi comment ;)
This isn't something I can hide..I just want to show my true self from the part of my life..
G | Glorious |
I | Influential |
S | Shy |
E | Entertaining |
L | Loving |
A | Awesome |
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